Guess who's caught up on her blog again? It's actually taken days, you guys. Enjoy my epic few weeks as much as I did. You'll definitely need a nap.
This whole insane business of weeks of plans starts on Monday, August 15th, with a trip to Universal with Kevin. When you know enough people who go to Universal, and you go to Universal enough, you pick up really handy tips and tricks which makes your trips more efficient, especially if your trip ends up being Kevin's last. We found a completely legit if not totally morally sound way to take advantage of Universal's Guest Services wherein we had to do very little waiting in line. It did bucket down rain on us as some form on vengeance, but we were packing ponchos like the park professionals that we are. We conquered all of Seuss Landing (for Kevin for the first time), as well as both Harry Potter rides and anything else that didn't make us sick, including the new Skull Island: Reign of Kong, which doesn't even HAVE an ExpressPass (FastPass...) line. I've never attended Universal so late in the day or stayed so long, but it definitely worked out for the best. I'm better at theme parks now than I am at anything else. It's a very niche skillset.
Rides that don't make us sick: Kang and Kodos Twirl and Hurl.
The irony. |
Four days later on Friday, August 19th, Mike and I met Matt at Universal for a Universal Orlando Annual Passholder Event. Basically they kept all of Islands of Adventure open for us, as well as the Hogwarts Express and Escape from Gringott's, open until midnight, long after the park was closed to the general public. We did Spiderman, Jurassic Park twice, Escape from Gringott's, The Hulk, as well as dinner AND our free Jurassic Park photo. We had our own boat. Matt and I are princesses. Mike is just too scared. It'll be great, and I'll share it when I can.
We're Annual Passholders. That makes us SPECIAL. |
On Sunday, August 21, Kevin and I used up his Holiday Celebration Dining Coupon at Kona Cafe in the Polynesian Resort (the best steak is half-off steak), then rode Seven Dwarves Mine Train twice c/o Disney magic. I took no photos. I am a failure.
On Monday, August 22, I saw my friend Jackie and her family (her sister and Mom), as well as Jackie's former roommate Pernille from Norway and our friend Ashley for a grand Disney reunion at Olive Garden. It was a surplus of carbs and love.
I know better than this. A dress is appropriate for Olive Garden
as it allows more space for breadsticks. |
Wednesday, August 24th was a well-deserved rest day for me. I joined Jackie and her family at their resort, Port Orleans French Quarter, for several hours of pool time. Jackie and I were granted permission by a lifeguard to play in the Port Orleans splashpad and we were all about it. I didn't have to say goodbye to Jackie and her family right then. The next day I was at Magic Kingdom for dinner with my arrival squad (happy seven months to us), and I managed to see the Greens one more time. Sabrina (Jackie's sister)'s hair was still in tact. I was very proud.
Sometimes, the Sunshine State pulls through with some sunshine. |
Making magic for as many months as
Snow White has dwarves. |
Friday, August 26th, was mine and Kevin's super long social day. My theory was that if we spent enough consecutive time together, it would be easier to send him back to Canada when the time came (spoiler alert, he leaves in this post). We were up literally at the crack of dawn to get on a housing bus for a trip to Clearwater. I actually never have visited any of the Florida beaches before so to both get off Disney property and into the Gulf of Mexico was absolutely glorious. We got four hours of beautiful beach and ocean (and lunch from housing), in which we saw a dolphin, found the beach's sand bars, discovered that the Gulf is actually saltier than we are, and generally got spooked by the amount of ocean wildlife. After the eight hours of beach/bus time together, we decided to hang out some more, and went to Hollywood Studios (after a nap, because 0730 is hard). We did the Frozen Sing-Along and tried to get into Fantasmic, but it was standing room only so we bailed and went to the Star Wars fireworks instead. Hollywood Studios closed at 9 after the fireworks, and we still didn't have enough time, so we went to see Pete's Dragon at Disney Springs. After that it was midnight so our marathon friendship day was over. Siiiiigh. Feelings don't stay in my face the way they used to.
SNOW-one is happy about Kevin leaving. |
Saturday August 27th was a marathon and a half of a park day, and that's coming from me. Matt and I, with our friends Kaz, Will and Ashley started off our day at Animal Kingdom with a return to a ride I haven't tried in over four years - Expedition Everest. I only did it because we bothered to wait in the standby line, and while I still don't love it, I can now tolerate it [side note: Remember when I did Star Tours 29 times in a day? Yeah I can't do it more than once now. Bodies change.].
We then moved it over to Epcot, where we visited the boss, his lady, and their friend Goofy, before having lunch at Electric Umbrella and spending some quality time with Kaz's manatee friends at the Seas. We quickly made it around World Showcase starting in Mexico, so we could attend my first but Kaz and Matt's millionth British Revolution show, before riding new Soarin and heading to Magic Kingdom. Shoutout to Matt for being the driver for the day. I like my independence but I also don't mind being driven around. We were joined by Mike and we caught the Main Street Electrical Parade, as it is Disney dying next month, as well as Wishes and several attractions I can't 100% remember cuz it's been awhile since this actually happened, guys. I remember lying down on Main Street because my back hurt and the street is hot and felt amazing. Old people problems. It was awesome, amazing, exhausting but magical times, and I'd do it again for these wonderful humans in a heartbeat.
Guess which one of us was never a Cast Member.
...And one with the lady boss. |
After work on Sunday the 28th, I took a nap during Ellen's Energy Adventure (it's 37 minutes of slowly moving vehicle in air-conditioning... you try not napping) while waiting for Kevin and Kara to finish their shifts. We went to Hollywood Studios for one more round of Toy Story Midway Mania, and to honour our recently departed Kristin, one more round of Fantasmic. All was successful, no one slipped and fell, and Steak & Shake was had afterwards. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures all night again. Blogger Fail.
On Monday, August 29th, I met Jodey and Tori, lumberjacks from 2012-13, at Animal Kingdom in the rain before heading off together to Fort Wilderness. We had booked dinner at the Hoop De Doo Revue, and I think it was booked almost six months in advance. We raised the roof by getting ridiculously full on mashed potatoes and sangria, and were probably just slightly too amused by the Pioneer Hall Players' bear puns. You know I am all about puns. Tori and Jodey went to Magic Kingdom to continue their day, and I met my current Canadians at Epcot for Kevin's last viewing of IllumiNations, which usually in us triggers closing duty anxiety. Oh yeah, and I took the C bus home for the first time in probably four years. Didn't I mention sangria at Hoop De Doo? I'm the face of responsibility, people.
We didn't plan to match so well, but we did plan the
symmetry. |
Jodey and Tori can "bear"ly take another bite. |
So Tuesday, August 30 was probably the saddest day so far, and definitely the reason why I've been hesistant to update my blog. It was Kevin's last day working with us. And it was sad. We gathered at the Canada cart just after opening for kind/not so kind words from our leaders, and for Kevin to get his completion and trainer certificates. If you've been keeping track, I've never actually been working/in costume during a farewell. This was the first. It means I'm moving on up, for better or worse. Luckily I had a break right after so I could take some time to pull my face back together and make it through my work day. As was exceptionally appropriate, it was bucketing down rain when Kevin clocked out as we made our way to Magic Kingdom. Luckily, the rain scared everyone away, so the park was ours for the evening. We did Peter Pan's Flight, Seven Dwarfs' Mine Train, People Mover, Space Mountain at least twice, and obviously we had to watch a particularly sad last Wishes.
The remarkable thing about this photo is that I'm wearing my vest. |
On Friday, September 2nd, which is apparently Fall according to the Walt Disney Company, Nicole and I attended the year's first Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party at Magic Kingdom. We didn't have a lot of foresight regarding costume planning, but in my humble opinion we managed to pull together pretty decent Disney Bounds as Elsa and Anna. Our hair was the best part. We arrived and were immediately greeted with spooky lights and music and fall decor, and as far as I was concerned it was most definitely late October. We got our trick or treat bags and went to Tomorrowland, where we found Lotso bear posing for photos. That had to happen. We went through a trick or treat line for more snacks before going to Storybook Circus to find Donald, Daisy and Minnie in their Halloween costumes. We also met Jafar, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Aurora and Tiana, as well as Belle and Gaston together. We had a mandatory jaunt through the super spoopy Haunted Mansion. We took in the Halloween edition stage show, the Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular, hosted obviously by the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. We found some special Not So Scary merchandise, and we headed home, very very tired but with so much candy and joy. I'll be going again on September 20th, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Anna, Elsa, and their purveyor of Frozen
drinks/roommate Kailyn. |
The morning of Monday, September 5th, I met my dear friend Anna for breakfast at the 1900 Park Fare. We had buffet breakfast with our other friends (maybe you know them?) Pooh Bear, Tigger, Alice, Mary Poppins and the Mad Hatter (who was very supportive of the amount of tea required today). Anna and I met on my last program and she's just left the company to do a Disney English program in China, and then who knows what fabulous adventures thereafter. She may or may not be under a tremendous amount of pressure to to send me mail from the Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo Disney Parks throughout her journeys. I then hoofed it to Epcot where I had another celebration to attend. Kara, having been granted an extension on her program, was celebrating her one year anniversary with Walt Disney World, so we celebrated with lunch at Le Cellier. Congratulations Kara, I look forward to a few more weeks of sass before we are temporarily separated again.
We have to breakfast at the Grand Floridian.
The quantity of cute won't fit elsewhere. |
We are Cu-Teas. Get it? |
Finally (for this post), on Tuesday, September 6th, I attended a Disney Vacation Club Member Event at Animal Kingdom with Shane, Shellby and Kara. The park was kept open late exclusively for DVC Members and their guests. We were given a special FastPass for a late night Kilimanjaro Safari, as well as many vouchers to pay the various games (like Whack-A-Mole-style), in which everyone won a plush dinosaur (okay so I didn't win my own but that's irrelevant). We were given access to all the ice cream, chips, cookies and lemonade we could handle, and we had to ride Primeval Whirl to see what we could or couldn't handle. We also saw Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps from Zootopia leaving their dance party. I called after Nick Wilde and told him that he was my Spirit Animal. He responded by drawing me an air heart and blowing me kisses. It was wonderful times.
Four Canadians, Four dinosaurs, one dangerous selfie. |
That's really and sincerely it for this post. I hope no one gave up reading it as frequently as I have up writing it.
See you real soon!
Magical Moment: I was visited in my store on Thursday by my darling friends Zach Angel and Alex Fanning. I was so happy to see these two magical and delightful humans that I fully cried onstage. I told you, the feelings just don't stay in the way they used to. My eyeliner is constantly in danger.
Pixie Dust to: Both Clare and Angela for sending me magical mail this week. It's fun to make magic, and it's fun to have it made for you.
I'm out.